• 3 common system certifications refer to ISO9001 certification, ISO14001 certification and ISO45001 certification. ISO9001 is a quality management system standard formulated by the international organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO14001 is an environmental management system standard formulated by the international organization for Standardization (ISO). It is the most comprehensive and systematic international standard for environmental management in the world at present, and is applicable to organizations of any type and sc......

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  • How flat the surface of an object is is very important for manufacturing industrial products, especially ensuring quality of CNC machined parts. The tolerance range of irregularities is specified by the flatness and must be managed so that it is within the tolerance, but if it is not measured accurately and quantitatively, shape defects will be overlooked, it will be difficult to maintain quality, but it may also affect the next process or lead to a decrease in the yield rate. On this page, we will explain not only basic knowledge about flatness, common problems with conventional flat......

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  • As the name implies, industrial measuring equipment is instrument that measures products correctly. It can be said to be an important tool for maintaining the quality of products. “I was assigned to the quality inspection department, but I don’t know what kind of industrial measuring equipment it is”; “I want to know in advance what to pay attention to when measuring.” If you are asking these questions, we will introduce the features of industrial measuring equipment, their types, and common troubles. Please use it as a reference to hold down the basic......

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  • Construction quality control includes method control, quality control of construction machinery and equipment selection, and control of environmental factors. What Are The Contents Of Construction Quality Control 1. Method controlMethod control, including the control of technical scheme, process flow, organizational measures, detection means, construction organization design, etc. adopted in the whole construction cycle of the project. Whether the construction scheme is correct or not is the key to the smooth realization of project quality control. The progress is often delaye......

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  • In the manufacturing industry, if the manufactured products are shipped without checking, there is a possibility that the trust of business partners and end users will be greatly damaged when defective products occur. Therefore, the indispensable task is the inspection of products performed in the manufacturing process. This time, after explaining the purpose of inspection in manufacturing, we will explain the main flow of the inspection process, the advantages and disadvantages of inspection, and the automation of inspection that eliminates the disadvantages and realizes operational......

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  • In recent years, the shortage of human resources has become chronic in many industries, but it has become a major problem even at manufacturing sites. One of the effects of the shortage of human resources in the manufacturing industry is that visual inspections cannot be performed properly. Conventionally, visual inspections have been performed visually by experienced and skilled workers. However, because successors have not yet been nurtured, the number of human resources who can accurately perform visual inspections is steadily decreasing year by year. In order to maintain quali......

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  • Bearings are indispensable parts for machine manufacturing that are built into all kinds of products, from home appliances to automobiles. It is also called “rice in the machine industry”. In this article, we will explain the role and type of bearings and possible defects. If you want to get a better understanding of bearings, take a look at the end. The Role of Bearings Bearings are parts that rotate the shaft inside the machine smoothly. It is also called a “bearing” because it receives the rotation of the shaft. The basic structure of a b......

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  • For those who can learn the basic knowledge such as the features and precautions of measuring equipment, but do not know which measuring equipment to choose. In this post, we introduce how to select measuring equipment from various items such as objects and costs. Select According To the Measurement Object Select a measuring instrument that meets the conditions of the object Is the Shape Simple or Complex? Of course, the simpler the shape of an object, such as a rectangular parallelepiped or a circular object, the easier it is to measure the dimensions. In addition, ......

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