If the goods fail to pass the test and are sold on the market, there is no guarantee, and it may cause harm to the human body. The quality inspection report not only provides a qualification for selling in the store but also adds icing on the cake to the products, making consumers more confident to buy and use your products. Its significance not only provides a guarantee for the product itself but also increases the trust of the product itself.

What is a Quality Inspection Report of Product?
The product quality inspection report can comprehensively and objectively reflect the product quality information, which is generally completed by a third-party professional inspection organization independent of the supplier and the demander.
The standards used for quality inspection can be mandatory or recommended; It can be national standards, industry standards, local standards, enterprise standards or product technical conditions. General supervision and random inspection are mostly based on national mandatory standards and some industry standards. The entrusted inspection can use the above standards or enterprise standards to test the available product technical conditions of some newly developed products. For export customized products, it can also be tested according to the technical requirements specified in the contract.
What are the Advantages of Third Party Inspection?
The product quality inspection report is completed by a third-party professional quality inspection organization independent of the supplier and the demander. The third-party professional quality inspection organization has relative independence, impartiality, and authority and is qualified to issue fair data (quality inspection report) to society. The inspection report made by a manufacturer on its own products is called the first party (supplier) inspection report. Due to the relevant interests, it is not qualified to issue fair data to society. In order to ensure the inspection ability of the third-party inspection institution and the scientificity and impartiality of the inspection work, the relevant state departments shall, after confirming the measurement ability of the inspection institution, grant the measurement certification certificate and allow it to affix a seal on the inspection report.
How to Get the Quality Inspection Report?
Below is the basic process of obtaining a quality inspection report, IPQC provides a wide selection of quality inspection and measurement services with professional inspection reports as requested.
- Application acceptance. After receiving the qualified application, the certification authority shall issue an acceptance notice to the applicant and notify the applicant to send or send relevant documents and materials. At the same time, the certification authority sends relevant charges and notices. The applicant shall provide the information to the certification authority as required. After paying, the applicant shall fill in the payment voucher as required.
- Data review. In the data review stage, the product certification engineer shall divide the application units. After unit division, if sample testing is required, the product certification engineer shall send the sample delivery notice and corresponding payment notice to the applicant, and notify the applicant to send the sample receiving notice to the corresponding testing organization.
- Sample receiving. The samples shall be directly delivered by the applicant to the designated testing institution. After paying, the applicant shall fill in the payment voucher as required. The testing agency shall accept the received samples and fill in the sample acceptance report. For unqualified samples, it will issue a sample rectification notice and fill in the sample acceptance report after rectification. After sample acceptance, the testing agency shall fill in the sample testing schedule and report it to the certification agency. After receiving the sample testing progress, the certification authority shall, after confirming that the relevant expenses of the applicant have been paid, send a formal acceptance notice to the applicant, send a testing assignment to the testing authority, and the sample testing shall officially begin.
- Sample testing. The work that the enterprise should do is to send test samples, required parts, and technical data, understand the test progress and make timely rectification in accordance with the sample test rectification notice in case of nonconformities. After the sample test, the testing agency shall fill in the notice of sample test results. The testing agency also transmits the test report and other data to the certification agency.