Home Forums CNC Technology CNC machining center startup display screen failure

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  • #2038
    wy zw

    There is no information display problem on the startup display screen of the vertical machining center machine tool: when the CNC machine is powered on, the machine display screen has no information, no light, and no information prompt. When the switching power supply of the operation panel is turned on, the power light works normally, and the relevant working parts in the electric cabinet also work normally. Restart the machine, and the fault still exists.

    Troubleshooting and maintenance: first, check the line connections one by one, and deal with problems in time if found. Then carefully check the components. If it is found that the components are damaged, and many components of the display have been damaged, the display can be repaired or replaced. After the display of the machine tool is repaired, the main board of the display can be checked. After determining that it is the fault of the main board of the display screen, you can repair the main board and it can run normally; In addition, if the mainboard is replaced, the parameters need to be set and adjusted. For specific settings, please refer to the instructions or contact the manufacturer for settings.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by wy zw.
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